Monday, July 16, 2007


poet you're a fighter
you're a soul that lifts me higher
'cause you're freein' up the truth
from the walls they've built to hide it
your words are flowin' from your heart
into your fountain pen
they're coming through my speakers
to return to heart again

now I remember seeing you
on Fridays in the day
an air of peace surrounded you
'cause that was just your way
I knew you were a poet
'cause it lives there in your eyes
you possess a beauty
that I can not fail to recognize

saw that you were blowin' up
and man it made me smile
I realized I hadn't seen your face
in such a while
I heard you on the radio
and elevated faders
It's loud, I'm proud to see you now
your life is what you've made it

poet you inspire
all the people to aspire
to be liberated from
all the chains that we've acquired
to educate ourselves so we
can see the world for real
open up our hearts again
allow ourselves to feel

poet it's a blessing
how your rhythms are addressing
all the inequalities
that our society's possessing
your ancestors are smiling
as you tell the world their stories
and you will always have the gift
of love's eternal glory

poet you're a fighter
you're a soul that lifts me higher
'cause you're freein' up the truth
from the walls they've built to hide it
your words are flowin' from your heart
into your fountain pen
they're coming through my speakers
to return to heart again

for Gabriel Teodros