Sunday, February 12, 2006


standing in the food bank line
to find something to eat
some over-ripe bannanas
or a can of mystery meat
and hunger is the driving force
that lead you to their door
'cause working hard has never changed
the fact that you are poor
and costs just keep on rising
while your wages stay the same
and beggars can't be chosers
so you're forced to play their game
and slipping through the cracks you try
to grab ahold of something
'cause all of their statistics
simply hiding you from one thing
that there are peoples lives beneath
their piling of numbers
breaking down thier bodies
while the rich man safely slumbers
and from their sweat a million earned
but he won't share his profits
'cause he was chosen for this wealth
because of who his pop is


with hair like a fire
and curves like a river
there isn't a thing
that she needs you to give her
she's standing up tall
keeping pride in her step
and flashing a smile
you could never forget
she's strong in her presence
and in her convictions
and all too aware
of the worlds contradictions
she's quick in her wit
and kind in her spirit
she'll tell you the truth
just when you need to hear it
her friendship is golden
she's full of compassion
she'll answer you're question
before you can ask it
and when things are lovely
she's there to have fun
and when you need comfort
she's there to give some
born on this day
she has gathered together
those who would say
that they'll love her forever
and I'd like to thank her
for all that she's given
I'm much better off
just because she is living