It is amazing to me that the last time I posted it was to express fear for what has proven to be the most amazing experience of my life. There is no way I could have imagined the peace I would find in the jungle. To live amongst people who have no sense of urgency, no greed, no vanity, no jealousy..... To experience a life that is in such complete harmony with its surroundings.... It has helped me to discover that what has been diagnosed as a chemical imbalance, is in all acutuality a cultural imbalance. Since I returned I have thrown myself into editing the footage of the Huaorani into a documentary that has already managed to find it's way to the spotlight. It's all happening so fast, but it's so fantastic that I can only surrender to my good fortune and try to live up to the responsibility I have taken on. And as all this awesome positivity comes flowing into my life, I have begun to recognize how each person who has ever believed in me has brought me to this moment. I now have the opportunity to contribute to a global effort to fight the oil and timber companies that are destroying our planet and help to preserve a culture that has deeply touched my heart with their genuine strength and grace. I have an opportunity and a responsibility to follow this passion that I feel by using the tools and skills that I have learned in this life. Every moment has led to now, and I am greatful to be here.